Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fairness to Elected Officials

Tulelake, CA— First on the agenda for the Tulelake City Council were the Job Descriptions for City Hall Administrative and Independent Contractor Finance Director. Where an item on the City Hall Administrative job description was brought to the attention of the council. Council member; Don McCloud pointed out that one of the items was a duplication of the item before it on the City Hall Administrative job description of duties. With the City Attorney not present no further action could be taken.

The city council discussed the issue of the request to have the City Clerk return to preparation of the duties of writing the agendas. However it was pointed out that those duties were taken away when the job duties of the City Clerk were reassigned in the last election. Mayor Randy Darrow mentioned that those duties couldn’t be changed until the next election in all fairness to the elected City Clerk; Joe Cordonier presently elected to that position.

Several suggestions were made but the present City Clerk pointed out there is more to writing the agendas then just typing them up. As the City Clerk mentioned it takes someone with the knowledge and experience to do it. The person in charge of those duties then can question when an agenda item has been worded properly or improperly as the case may be for the meeting agendas to be discussed and posted at City Hall.

The State Controllers Office has fined the City of Tulelake for reports not being filed in a timely manor for the 2009-2010 at the rate of $5,000 for 2009 and $6,000 for 2010. The fines were taken out by Siskiyou County under the state administrated Vehicle License Fees (VLF). Where the city would have received $27,000 but due to the fine of $6,000 FY 2010 only received $21,000 from the (VLF).

Another agenda item brought up by the Director of Public Works; Henry Ebinger was the restarting of the Recycling program. Where the cost involved could be taken care by the recycling program being self-sustaining. This time put in a different location than where it was located before. The Director of Public Works also requested the purchase of valves for ground level water tanks and that two new valves would be needed. The City approved the purchase in the amount of $1000.

A resolution was read about parking on Main Street and Handicap Parking on Main Street. Resolution 2011-06. And apparently the Tulelake Fair Grounds put up a fence on the City access. There was concern by the Chief of Police that people coming to the fair would want to park next to the fence. The Cheif of Police wanted to put up no parking signs on the outside of the fence to detour people from parking next to the fence. So there was discussion about restricted parking on G Street by resolution, with no parking on south side of G Street between Main Street and Park Street. No action was taken.

James Garland of TNT

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