Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Confiscated pillows at Old City Hall in Sacramento

Sacramento, CA— Early this morning with 35 police officers, 25 police cars, three patty wagons and various helicopters overhead where they confronted occupiers that were occupying the old city hall lawn. There were 30 or 40 people on the lawn.

The SACPD were enforcing the no camping ordinance in Sacramento. Three pillows, a sleeping bag and belt were arrested, no joke. Each pillow had its own patty wagon.

In all seriousness SACPD were very accommodating and explained the reason they were there. And that was to enforce the ordinance of no sleeping paraphernalia on the lawn in front of Sacramento Old City Hall.

The officer in charge did an interview with live stream. Then shortly the local news showed up and did an interview where he stated the police department was doing their part to work with the occupiers.

Seven officers, five police cars and one unmarked SUV returned to give a final warning about blocking the sidewalk and having a tent in place. One occupier was singing, “Spending a night at city hall, got no rights at all.”

The reason they were there was another person who had a tent up in place. The call was because of illegal tenting. Where the last warning was given and arrests would take place if there were any more camping on the lawn.

There was another issue that involved homeless people with a child that was inside a parked car, parked in front of the old city hall, which was a private matter. In the mean time two police cars left the scene as they received another call.

And according to an unnamed source CSI units laid off police officers where pulled off duty to man the CSI units.

All of the commotion due to suspected camping on the lawn at Old City Hall in the early morning hours in Sacramento, CA.

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