Saturday, December 17, 2011

Changing of the Wind

By now everyone has heard or they should have heard by now the term, “OCCUPY WALL STREET”(OWS). But like many people no one quite knows what their goals or demands happen to be for certain. There are many cities across the USA that have encampments. Each night that goes by an encampment of a city park is given eviction notices to vacate the parks after curfew. Where no camping is allowed by use of tents, sleeping bags, blankets. The occupiers are expected to hold their General Assembly (GA) meetings during posted park regulations hours of use of each park the occupiers are occupying at the time.

And there seems to be an on going battle with occupying the parks between the occupiers, the police departments and city officials. Nightly across the USA there is a camp that is being given an eviction notice or face being arrested. The police departments give warnings about vacating or face possible arrest. This has been an on going situation since the movement first began in New York City on September 17th and has spread across the cities in the US. There have been hundreds of arrests in different cities at different times during this (OWS) movement.

"...the Occupy demonstrations are precisely about the concerns of Americans who have been sidelined economically. This in turn is why polls show broad support for Occupy's objectives of greater economic equality and more financial accountability..."
-E.J. Dionne, Seattle Times

Personally I have not had the opportunity to attend or visit an occupy city. However, I have watched the live streams from the many different cities from coast to coast when they broadcast their GA meetings or when a camp is being raided in the wee hours of morning. As most of the raids take place after midnight. After warnings have been given by the police department of that city for occupied space in the parks.

“Their suffering is not unique at a time when the real unemployment rate is greater than 16 percent, but all of them say they have found hope in a movement that has rewritten the national debate and which could upend what many say is a barbaric system.

It is a movement with the unambiguous demand to end the corruption of politics by corporate money – though the demand does not seem apparent to those more interested in reporting on broken windows than broken lives.”

I have been an outsider who has only seen and heard the stories from behind the scenes. Each with their unique story to tell as to why they are involved in the OWS movement. Where a number said the movement “is one of the best things that has ever happened to me,” as one poster discribes it.

What I am trying to do is to educate people about OCCUPY WALL STREET. I feel I am doing my part by writing about it. Hopefully, as I learn more about what is going on I can share that information with people just like you and me.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Who is Jonah Mowry?

Who would take the time to put a video on YouTube and not be real in their feelings about what they have experienced when it comes to being bullied? Jonah Mowry was 13 years old in a dark time and place in his emotional life. Jonah Mowry made the video about four months ago.

YouTube Video:

The troubling part there is a second video made by Jonah Mowry saying that he was all right and everything was fine now. Like night and day. Where now there was some light out of the darkness that had tormented Jonah Mowry in his not too distant past.

YouTube Video:

The problem now is it makes some people feel that his first video was a fake or that he was faking about being gay and being bullied in the first video. When I saw the second video, it made me feel that that video was a fake and not done by the real Jonah Mowry. Apparently it is the real Jonah Mowry trying to let everyone know that he is doing just fine four months later. Chewing gum and making light of the feelings he had four month earlier.

It is good that Jonah Mowry has come to grips with who he is now. And where he has accepted that he is gay and where he has come out to his parents and all of those around him. But when he made the first video it broke many people’s hearts seeing a person in such distress with tears coming down, while he was using flash cards to tell his story in the first video.

Which makes his story heart breaking to have someone so young have to go through what he has had to endure for so long in his short life. At least he can now say, "I'm not going anywhere, because I'm stronger than that. I have a million reasons to be here."

Indeed Jonah Mowry does and we can all be thankful that he failed at his attempts to cut himself so badly to bleed to death but left with scars to prove it by. Or where he did not succeed in committing suicide and we would be reading about another young person taking their life over being bullied or being called names that were hurtful.

Jonah Mowry is now 14 and in a better place in his life. Where he is loved and has many new friends. Where growing up starting in the first grade he was bullied and ridiculed for being who Jonah Mowry really is. Jonah Mowry is a teen who has come to realize and to grips that he is in fact gay.

There are others who will say he is too young to know what his sexuality really is. There are case studies after case studies that say otherwise.

“Proof that discrimination starts at the most basic level: a new study from Yale University shows that gay teens are nearly 40% more likely than their straight peers to be disciplined at school, with girls bearing the brunt of this burden--they are more than three times as likely to be punished as their peers.

Homophobia can't be countered with statistics. Hopefully, studies like this will allow faculty and administrators to step up when they perceive bias, and maybe even encourage people in positions of authority over kids and teens to check their own unconscious bias as well.”

“Young people are sexual beings and have the right to a happy, healthy sex life. However they are not a homogenous group.

Differences in age, sex, experience, marital status, interests and preferences, family background, income and religion can mean that adolescents can be worlds apart in terms of what they need and want.”

It is good to know that Jonah Mowry will now go on to accept himself for who he is. Without worrying about what others think as long as he knows who he is.

Not saying that his life will be a bed of roses but he can at least sleep at night knowing he is who he is and nothing can change that except for Jonah Mowry. Who now knows who he is and like Jonah said, "Every child deserves to be happy...even at school."

And the FACEBOOK Page Jonah Mowry made by himself.

"Well I guess since a million people are going to make a page about me I should make one for myself!"!/pages/Jonah-Mowry-Actually-Me-Teen-Support/300769349945796?sk=wall&filter=12

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Confiscated pillows at Old City Hall in Sacramento

Sacramento, CA— Early this morning with 35 police officers, 25 police cars, three patty wagons and various helicopters overhead where they confronted occupiers that were occupying the old city hall lawn. There were 30 or 40 people on the lawn.

The SACPD were enforcing the no camping ordinance in Sacramento. Three pillows, a sleeping bag and belt were arrested, no joke. Each pillow had its own patty wagon.

In all seriousness SACPD were very accommodating and explained the reason they were there. And that was to enforce the ordinance of no sleeping paraphernalia on the lawn in front of Sacramento Old City Hall.

The officer in charge did an interview with live stream. Then shortly the local news showed up and did an interview where he stated the police department was doing their part to work with the occupiers.

Seven officers, five police cars and one unmarked SUV returned to give a final warning about blocking the sidewalk and having a tent in place. One occupier was singing, “Spending a night at city hall, got no rights at all.”

The reason they were there was another person who had a tent up in place. The call was because of illegal tenting. Where the last warning was given and arrests would take place if there were any more camping on the lawn.

There was another issue that involved homeless people with a child that was inside a parked car, parked in front of the old city hall, which was a private matter. In the mean time two police cars left the scene as they received another call.

And according to an unnamed source CSI units laid off police officers where pulled off duty to man the CSI units.

All of the commotion due to suspected camping on the lawn at Old City Hall in the early morning hours in Sacramento, CA.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Why Protesters are so upset

Tulelake, CA— There comes a time when enough is enough. And people are feed up with the banks and Wall Street making huge profits from a government bail out. While the average person on the street protesting is mad as hell. As an example where a strike was called and unions, teachers' associations and students have expressed support for the strike in Oakland. Indeed, the movement is digging in for the long haul. "We're not going anywhere" as one protester remarked.

“As promised, the Occupy Oakland movement on Wednesday spilled from its home base in front of city hall, halting street traffic and blocking access to banks and businesses that defied its calls for a general strike. The "Day of Mass Action" culminated with a shutdown of the port, where as many as 7,000 people gathered peacefully to stop trucks in their tracks.”

“But most of Wednesday provided further proof of how a small core of activists has managed to build a broader movement with substantial public sympathy — with an energy and a vibe, as well as hazards, that are eclipsing Occupy Wall Street in New York City. Union members, students and teachers were out in force. More than 300 took the day off, while some arrived at the marches after school.”

“The marches rolled on late in the afternoon, from the city center to the country's fourth busiest port. On foot, in wheelchairs and on bicycles (and the odd unicycle), protesters converged under the watch of circling helicopters. Police officers were invisible.”,8599,2098628,00.html?hpt=hp_t2

And why are the Occupiers so upset, let’s take a look at the following:

“The corporate tax rate is 35%. But an examination of 280 of the nation's largest corporations suggests that many aren't paying anything close to that."

"The real tax rate paid by a slew of major corporations averages closer to 18.5%, according to a study released Thursday by two liberal tax research groups. The report issued by Citizens for Tax Justice and the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy paints the corporate tax code as wildly inefficient, filled with loopholes and subject to the influence of lobbyists who carve out special provisions for the companies they represent."

"Some companies paid zero. And 30 actually owed less than nothing in income taxes over the three years."

"At the root of the problem is a system of inverted incentives that encourages corporations to lobby for special tax breaks -- and politicians to insert them into the tax code."

"Corporations pay lobbyists. Lobbyists convince lawmakers to add tax breaks. Lawmakers modify the tax code.“

Besides Oakland there are many cities across the county up in arms over the unfairness of what is happening with the banks and Wall Street. From the web site “We All Occupy” at

There are hundreds of cities popping up with web sites and live stream links to show their support for OCCUPY WALL STREET. And this is only the beginning of what is to come as time marches on and so to do the Occupy Cities as this protest grows even larger by the day.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

All in a days work

All in a days work

Tulelake, CA— EDITORIAL: There comes a time when facebook is not an end to a means. It is rather a way to communicate and get your daily thoughts to be shared with others. Grant you there are going to be disagreements about the topic at hand or the latest picture of that cute baby in its purest form.

Facebook comes with its up and downs as people try to share what is going on in their daily lives that they feel it is so important they want others to know what they are doing hoping someone will notice and make a comment or like the latest picture they have just uploaded.

With FaceBook comes its up and downs. There are people who are there to share the daily journals about how life is treating them. Then there are others who have another thing in mind and that is to educate as many people as they can about the ills of this life and wanting to make a difference even if it means they are one in a crowd of many. To make their mark on what their philosophical points of views are. Not everyone is going to agree with them. So they will lose a few friends off of their friends list because their opinion don’t agree with others.

So what is the first thing they do, they defriend you because they do not agree with your opinion but for every friend that removes you off your list there are friends out there with others waiting in the wings to want to be added to your friends list. All that has been lost is a person who is too childish to accept things as they are not as they should be in their opinion or point of views.

That is their loss as they may have learned something they have now lost by removing you from their friends list. It is their loss not yours and more power to them. If they were not strong enough to deal with other points of view it says more about them, than you. They lose and you win, and thank God they are gone and good riddance as you didn’t need them, they needed you.

Communications is the key and cowards always exit stage Right when the going gets rough and they cannot handle the truth, not only about themselves; but also in society in general. It’s their loss not yours. For every friend you lose, you gain 15 new friends that are more than willing to take their place.


Friday, October 28, 2011

San Diego Riot Police Clearing Tents

San Diego— Early this morning San Diego Riot Police Clearing Tents in San Diego. The Police began moving in to remove the tents as they backed the occupiers down the street. The San Diego Police Officers moved forward in their advance while being in full riot gear.

It is now just a little after 4 am as this report is being written. The police always attack in the early morning hours so that the lighten conditions are more difficult to get video coverage of the attacks.

Carried live on by those on the scene with the cameras. One video camera man was arrested for taking video and his camera was knocked to the ground. As the camera lied on the ground sound could be heard coming from the camera until one of the officers picked it up and turned it off.

Now we are waiting for another occupier to come on live stream with a different angel by finding a live spot in-order to broadcast on

It is like a war zone, and one of the comments is, “We are not going any where, we are staying right here.” Right footage that was shot early is being rebroadcast of the events earlier. They are video taping the officers badges and names on their shirts. Another comment was made, “You don’t have to attack the American People.” The San Diego Police are moving occupiers past the property line they are pushing them back.

“We are live, we are broadcasting live, and you are being broadcast by New York Live. They think they are in war that’s what is going on, a protested stated. And another is stating, “You are violating my constitutional rights, you are committing a crime.”

As the cameramen asks the officer if he can see his name on his shirt so that it can be broadcast for all to see. The cameraman is video taping the police officers names and badge number for the entire world to see. The SDPD have blocked off all of C Street.

Now they are retreating backwards away from the occupiers as the Police distance themselves from the occupiers. They are doing it in a staggered motion. They are moving fifty feet at a time backwards. The San Diego Police are continuing to move backwards away from the occupiers.

These are peaceful protesters who have no weapons and are being confronted by the SDPD who are in full armor and facemasks with Billy clubs in their hands. Now the cameraman is being arrested as his camera lays on the ground as the sound can be heard until one of the SDPD Officers picks it up and turns it up right and turns if off. “Spread the word, this is a free country, it’s not American” can be heard as the camera goes black as the occupiers can be heard being arrested. End of video feed.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Mayor Jean Quan’s Statement to Occupy Oakland

Oakland— I had hoped to speak directly to you tonight. I was told that I could speak at the Speak Out at 6pm, but that was cancelled. So I apologize for providing these remarks in written form.

I am deeply saddened about the outcome on Tuesday. It was not what anyone hoped for, ultimately it was my responsibility, and I apologize for what happened. Today I visited Scott Olsen and his parents because I was concerned about his recovery. And I hope we will keep the mall in our prayers.

We have started an investigation into the use of force, including tear gas, on Tuesday. I cannot change the past, but I want to work with you to ensure that this remains peaceful moving forward.

When there’s violence, there are no winners – it polarizes us and opens old wounds rather than brings us together, which is the aim of Occupy Wall Street and uniting the 99%.

We are a nation in crisis. Oakland more than most cities faces budget cuts, unemployment and foreclosures. We are also a Progressive city. And as a long-time civil rights activist and union organizer I want my City to support the movement.

Thank you for last night’s peaceful protest. I will continue to order a minimal police presence. I need you to maintain a nonviolent attitude towards people, business owners, and homeowners around City Hall. I hope you will consider starting a dialogue with the small businesses around City Hall that you impact.

We pledge to work with Occupy Oakland and Occupy Wall Street, but we need to ask for four things:

1) We understand that some members of Occupy Oakland want to meet with me and Chief Jordan. We agree. We need to have direct communications between city staff and your representatives.

2) We need you to maintain healthy and safe conditions where you gather.

3) We need our public safety employees to have access when there is an emergency.

4) We are asking you not to camp overnight. Frank Ogawa Plaza is open for free speech activities between 6 am and 10 pm.

We can change America and but we must unite and not divide our city. I hope we can work together.

Mayor of Oakland