Sunday, October 30, 2011

All in a days work

All in a days work

Tulelake, CA— EDITORIAL: There comes a time when facebook is not an end to a means. It is rather a way to communicate and get your daily thoughts to be shared with others. Grant you there are going to be disagreements about the topic at hand or the latest picture of that cute baby in its purest form.

Facebook comes with its up and downs as people try to share what is going on in their daily lives that they feel it is so important they want others to know what they are doing hoping someone will notice and make a comment or like the latest picture they have just uploaded.

With FaceBook comes its up and downs. There are people who are there to share the daily journals about how life is treating them. Then there are others who have another thing in mind and that is to educate as many people as they can about the ills of this life and wanting to make a difference even if it means they are one in a crowd of many. To make their mark on what their philosophical points of views are. Not everyone is going to agree with them. So they will lose a few friends off of their friends list because their opinion don’t agree with others.

So what is the first thing they do, they defriend you because they do not agree with your opinion but for every friend that removes you off your list there are friends out there with others waiting in the wings to want to be added to your friends list. All that has been lost is a person who is too childish to accept things as they are not as they should be in their opinion or point of views.

That is their loss as they may have learned something they have now lost by removing you from their friends list. It is their loss not yours and more power to them. If they were not strong enough to deal with other points of view it says more about them, than you. They lose and you win, and thank God they are gone and good riddance as you didn’t need them, they needed you.

Communications is the key and cowards always exit stage Right when the going gets rough and they cannot handle the truth, not only about themselves; but also in society in general. It’s their loss not yours. For every friend you lose, you gain 15 new friends that are more than willing to take their place.


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