Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Goal To Get Grants Updated

Tulelake, Calif— First up at the Feb 7th City Council Meeting was the current status of the upcoming Sewer Treatment plant grants. Where Jim Cook, wastewater project consultant brought the city council up to date as to when the grants will be available for the Sewer Treatment plant.

“Goal to get Grants”, said Jim Cook, wastewater project consultant. To seek the grants that are available for this project.

Next item discussed on the agenda was a question as to when the audit will be completed as the waiting game continues. It was suggested that seeking another auditor might be a better way to go in-order to expedite the process by getting a bid from an auditor out of Klamath Falls.

There was a request to obtain bids for an Asbestos/Lead Abatement Consultant for the Booster Pump Station to prepare a report and specifications for the removal of asbestos and/or lead, before any work can be done on the Booster Pump Station, in-order to get that project rolling.

The Parks Grants for Roper and Veteran’s Parks improvements are required to be completed by April 30, 2011. The funds can be spent on Ridgeview Park improvements too.

A bid was approved in the amount of $3,875.00 to remove two Willow, one Maple, one Elm and one Fir tree from Roper Park. Eight shade trees were approved for $1,480.00 to be planted.

Also approved were 9 flags for Veterans Park for $332.25 to replace old worn out flags.

Other discussion included the presentation of a quote to paint City Water Tower and Water Storage Tank by Councilman Tom Cordonier.

City Attorney Megan Annand was approved to attend the PERMA meeting in Palm Springs. Past due invoices were approved and Payable General Fund Account Balance brought up to date; along with the status of Water/sewer billings to be going out by end of the week; according to Candace Jefferies, Director of Finance.

James Garland of Tulelake New Times (TNT)
Publisher, Editor and Writer

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