Sunday, August 21, 2011

Financial Officer Terminated

Tulelake, CA— On August 9, 2010 the Director of Finance Candace Jefferies was terminated under (California Government Code Section 54957 (b) paragraph (2). A Closed Session was held with the following announcement: “Director of Finance Candace Jefferies will be terminated immediately.” Candace Jefferies was to turn in her keys and passwords for accounts at the conclusion of the meeting. She was to be given a two-week severance payout with the understanding she would be available by phone or in person during this two-week transition period.

The question comes to mind was this the right time to be terminating the Director of Finance: Candace Jefferies? Right in the middle of an Audit and outstanding loan balances? Where a Teleconference took place with Dave Wallace for an Audit update for the completion time frame of the loan balances on budget sheets of 2.5 million. Where a number of borrowers are not cooperating with the necessary documents. The audit is 92% complete with clean balances, except for the outstanding loans. The auditor stated that the city financial statement is partially correct and partially questionable. The city attorney and the loan committee are responsible to work out these documents.

A special meeting was held on August 15th, 2010 and requested by the former Director of Finance; Candace Jefferies to the reason/reasons for her termination on August 9, 2010 and to have an open meeting to the public and not a closed council session. The attorney stated that the termination was in accordance with policies and procedures and it is not specific to department heads. Candace Jefferies was an “at will employee” and can be terminated by vote of the City Council. Candace Jefferies requested copies of any correspondence or memo’s that were in her personal file. Where the City Attorney stated that Candace Jefferies was entitled to copies of any and all information in her personnel file. The City Attorney asked if Candace Jefferies wanted a revote and Candace Jefferies responded by stating, “No”.

The next item of discussion was the changing of the lock on City Hall. Councilmember Cordonier inquired as who ok’d the locks be changed, was it put to a bid and what was the cost? Councilmember McCloud stated that HE ordered the locks changed and that he did not bid it nor did HE consult with other city councilmembers. McCloud determined that it was an emergency situation. Once again Councilmember Cordorier stated he did not receive notification or a new key.

James Garland (T.N.T.)

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