Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Turmoil in Tulelake

Tulelake, CA— In a small community the size of Tulelake you would think this many years in the making. That it would not be in such Turmoil. Even the informed are uniformed as to what is happening. Where certain members of the City Council make up their own rules and regulations as they go along. Where does one begin informing the Community of Tulelake? From discussing what to do about handicap ramps to how past bills are going to be paid.

In other developments with the city where there has been an on going situation regarding the status of the unpaid building inspector invoices and other aspects of Will Baley; building inspector for the city of Tulelake and his services. A motion was made to table this matter until the next regular meeting and to make payments of $500.00 every other week toward the building inspector past invoices that have not been paid.

There is also the use of credit cards where no action has been taken on this matter at the present time. Where credit cards are being used and yet the city of Tulelake is broke. Where training meetings are being attended with one meal provide by the city of Tulelake.

Where are the funds coming from when the City of Tulelake has no funds to cover these expenditures? One wonders just who is paying for them and where are these accounts. How can the City Council authorize the paying of bills, if there are no funds to pay them with? Then there are outstanding loans that have not been paid back to the city in the amount of 1.2 million dollars in question. Back loan payments that have yet to be received by the city. Where a closed-door session was held to have the City Attorney work with the loan committee and give them legal advice.

Where outstanding invoices were authorized for past due bills 10401-10412, ACC Environmental, Bear Technologies and PP and L for the February and March Invoices. Where the 09/10 Fiscal Year Audit has yet to be completed.

One has to ask again where are the funds to pay for all these expenditures? What accounts are they coming out of and is it legal? Stay tuned.

James Garland of TNT
Blog: tulelakenewtimes.blogspot.com
Email: tulelakenewtimes@cot.net

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