Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The City of Tulelake loses $3,583 in Funding

Tulelake, CA— State Legislature Passes Last Minute Grab. The bills, AB 108/118, reallocated the roughly $130 million in VLF general revenues that cities have historically received to fund the continuation of the COPS program, grants to Sheriff’s in lieu of booking fees, and other law enforcement programs.

The bottom line, however, may be how the city of Tulelake actually budgeted for COPS and booking fees in the 2011-2012 budget years. If the City of Tulelake wasn’t counting on the COPS (and were counting on the return of booking fees) that’s a gain. But the City of Tulelake will lose all of its general purpose VLF-effectively to fund those law enforcement grants.

The City of Tulelake would lose $3,584.00 from the COPS program funding.

James Garland
Email: tulelakenewtimes@cot.net

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