Friday, July 22, 2011

Use of Veterans Park for Community Wellness Week

Tulelake, CA— Use of Veterans Park for Community Wellness Week was brought before the City Council for approval. A request for Mountain Valley Health Center to use Veterans Park on August 18th for Community Wellness Week was approved by the City Council.

In other matters Resolution 11-04, which authorizes the transfer of EDBG Revolving Loan funds to the Booster Pump Station Project where the motion was carried by the City Council. A bid was accepted from Horizon Erectors for $277,608.00 base bid, not including additive alternatives, for the booster station project. Where the mayor was authorized to sign the Horizon Erector contract.

The City Council authorized the purchase of a Rosette Stone Spanish program for the police department for approximately $1,000.00 from the police grant. Motion carried.

The City Council went into closed session to confer with their labor negotiators. Mayor Darrow announced that no action was taken. A motion was made to not reduce City Hall hours. Motion Carried. Update on the Audit progress where discussion took place but no action was taken. Approval of the bills was made to authorize payment for items discussed. A city resolution item was withdrawn. That was the end of July 5th meeting.

“The floor was given to Lorraine Fine, Siskiyou County Librarian at Tulelake to discuss the MOU submitted by Siskiyou County for fiscal year 2011/2012. Ms. Fine disclosed her opinions on what should be modified within the MOU and her concerns with the sustainability of the Library now that Siskiyou County is requesting Tulelake to take control of the operation of the Library. She explained that the Vestal organization has offered to help the libraries pay for the majority of the cost to purchase the self-checkout machines the County is requiring each library to obtain.

One of her suggestions was to ask Modoc County to once again provide some economic support, also discussed were estimated annual operating costs and income from handling of fines, lost/damaged books, room rental and fundraising. The Council suggested Ms. Fine re-word the MOU as discussed and to co-ordinate with the Director of Finance to put together a budget proposal for the Library Operation for the current Fiscal Year and present it to the Council before the end of July."

James Garland of TNT
Tulelake New Times

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