Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Does Tulelake have a Gang Problem?

Tulelake, CA— People say Tulelake has a gang problem and others say they are just wanna be gangsters. So which is it? Does Tulelake in fact have a gang problem? Well myself personally have seen the signs on the walls, by the tagging and the destruction to park property.

I have heard about gangs who gang up on people because they think they belong to a rival gang. Are there actually gangs in Tulelake, like the gangs that exist, say like in Redding or further south? From what I recall about a year ago there was a gang activity program put on by the Gang enforcement agencies for all the students that attend Tulelake High School.

Is it so obvious that people have to fight over who wears what color, whether it be blue or red, or red or blue, in order to feel important as to what color represents which gang. Or is there more than one gang(s)?

What I would like to know does Tulelake really have a gang problem? And if Tulelake does, then I would like to see people step up and send me more information. So, I can do an in-depth article on the Gang activity in Tulelake. It can be done anonymously by sending an email to and let me hear what you think and what you have to say when it comes to the existence of Gangs in Tulelake. Do we have gangs or not in Tulelake?

James Garland of TNT
Email for Gang information:

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