Wednesday, October 26, 2011

102 occupiers have been arrested at OCCUPY OAKLAND

Oakland— Tonight there are police officers with riot gear and tear gas keeping the occupiers from entering the City Hall Park at Oscar Grant Plaza. They were confronted and so far 102 occupiers have been arrested as to the writing of this report that is being done live.

The live stream has gone off but is expected to resume shortly. Channel 4 in Oakland carried it live for a while on FaceBook link. Then it went off line so now it is just the chat room and live feed as soon as it comes back live.

“This is America. This is not a WAR ZONE and they do this to their own people UNREAL.” “We are the lawful assembly. It is our country. We are the voice of the people.” There is no need for riot gear these are peaceful demonstrations.

As the live stream goes black sounds can still be heard in the background. Men, Women Children and the elderly are being pepper sprayed and tear gassed. Oakland PD is using Sonic Cannons. This is America. “Shame, shame, shame on you.” can be heard by the chats of the occupiers.

Live Chat is still up as people are chatting about the events in Oakland from all over the World. “The World is watching what it happening in Oakland tonight.” Said another occupier. Occupiers are being cited out according to OPD Jail.

The police in Oakland are now using rubber bullets. “What next live bullets and tanks?” another said. Sixteen police agencies attacked OCCUPY OAKLAND tonight.

Live stream is now backup on line. “Oakland teachers say no to police violence” it is on a sign being held by occupiers. “Just because it’s a non-violent protest doesn’t mean you can’t speak what’s on your mind” another occupier stated.

Another yet another chatterd stated, “Oakland- The world is watching, and we stand behind you! Stay strong, and know that you are not alone.”

Yesterday morning the Oakland Police torn down the occupiers camp where the confentation began.

This is a contineing story…

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