Friday, October 21, 2011

Four More Arrests at OCCUPY SACRAMENTO

Tulelake, CA— It is 11:36 pm on October 20, 2011 and four more people have been arrested tonight. Chants can be heard, “Right to assemble, right to assemble,” they claim they are exercising their first amendment rights. There are 23 police cars and two patty wagons to arrest 4 people for curfew in Cesar Chavez Park.

The first order to disperse came at 11:17 pm and the second order came at 11:24 pm. Four people were arrested the day before for the same reasons, curfew in Cesar Chavez Park. They are now going to march over to the county jail, which is three blocks away.

There has been a Federal judge in Ohio who has ordered police to stop ticketing supporters of the Occupy Wall Street movement in Cincinnati. Protesters had filed a lawsuit against the city for banning people from a park. 24 people were arrested in Cincinnati, Ohio.

From the Live Stream in Sacramento @

In Sacramento, the Occupy movement continues to gain traction, showing up at City Council meetings, and growing influence into neighboring cities like Davis.

Occupy Redding plans a round-the-clock protest camp somewhere in town and has asked the city for help finding a suitable spot.

At this hour a little just after midnight there are 156 viewers on the live stream channel. While waiting for the live stream to come back on live from the courthouse. Where the four people who were arrested were taken. The city manager of Sacramento decides the occupations legalities.

The live stream is now backup with 121 viewers on line. The reporter April made it possible on live stream for this article.


  1. Dave Scarbrough asked me to touch base with you with regard to Occupy Cleveland. There were approx. 1 dozen arrests of the core group of protestors. There has been wonderful cooperation with the Cleveland Police Department (CPD) throughout and although they are not "officially" joining the protest, there has been transparency throughout between the protestors and the CPD. It was arranged that the dozen or so core group members would practice Civil Disobedience and allow themselves to be arrested, while the main group of Occupiers would disburse to an area designated by the CPD. The arrests were conducted in a professional manner, and there was NO VIOLENCE from either side. The protestors chanted "Shame." We did notice some Sheriffs and some officials wearing riot gear, but again, everything was peaceful.

  2. Thank you for your comments.
