Saturday, October 22, 2011

Twenty-two Arrests at Occupy Orlando

Tulelake, CA— In Orlando there were Twenty-two arrested for occupying a park for trespassing.

The police officers stood for over an hour before arrests were made. They waited for backup. The police are telling Occupy Orlando that the party is over; the party is just getting started though. Most just get 'detained' and released without having to pay bail.

Twenty-two arrested at Beth Johnson Park. 80 march to 33rd Street police station downtown in solidarity.

Did you know that in some Orlando, FL parks it’s illegal to feed large groups? It is. And that means that some people who want to feed large groups of homeless people find themselves at odds with the law.

So much so, that some people can be arrested for intentionally breaking it.

Yes they made laws that groups are not allowed to feed the homeless in Orlando it is absurd simply a law. You have to have a permit to feed the homeless.

“For them to regulate a time and place for free speech and to share food, that is unacceptable.”

So they may have to relocate the occupation?


  1. James, it was actually 11 arrests. Throughout the 2 weeks of the occupation, there had been cooperation and transparency between the Occupiers and the Cleveland Police Department and city officials. As I understand it, a group sponsored by a major bank here in Cleveland obtained a permit until January 1 to decorate and hold "holiday festivities" in Public Square, and that is why the Occupy Cleveland group was ousted from Public Square. At approx. 10 pm last night, the core group of 11, through their spokesperson and a "human microphone" system, requested that everyone other than the core group disburse to an area that had been sanctioned by the police department. The rest of the group complied with that request, as the core group sat in a circle, facing outward, awaiting arrest. There was NO violence. It was loud, with people chanting "Shame", and "Let Them Go" and other slogans, but except for voices, there were no incidents. After the arrests, a group marched to our Justice Center where the detainees were taken, and then marched back to Public Square to continue the protest. I stopped monitoring the live feeds at about 1:00 am EST, and as of that time, the group was still active.

  2. Thank you for your comments.
