Friday, October 14, 2011

Transitional day for OCCUPY SEATTLE

OCCUPY TULELAKE, CA— There are over a 100 people at the General Assembly Meeting in OCCUPY SEATTLE tonight. Where they do Mic Checks and then everyone repeats what the person is saying by chanting their words so that everyone can hear what they have to say. Since there is no electric power for running amps plus it is more than likely not allowed without a permit for sound. They are discussing their concerns and giving updates on what is going on in the General Assembly meeting.

There have been lots of sleeping bags that have been confiscated by the police. On Saturday they need everyone at OCCUPY SEATTLE because it is strength in numbers. This is not just a protest but an occupation across the world to get the word out in many cities about the ills of this world that need to be changed.

We are united in a protest not against the city but a movement for our future. This is not about sleeping in the park but restructuring and starting to get information about the change that needs to come. This is not about holding a sign; it’s about cleaning up after yourself and everyone else. It’s not about the city; it’s not about the mayor it’s about change.

A permit was issued for one large tent for Medical purposes. There was no hot food at the park today and they had to remove tents. They took down the tents and put them up at city hall where there is access to restrooms.

There is a one to one police racial presence right now as I am writing this article. They are going to enforce the new sleeping rule; they are not going to enforce the no trespassing rule. They are going to arrest people that are sleeping or using sleeping bags.

Announcement: Mic check, mic check. “We must vacate so we are going to demonstrate. To form a demonstration and march in protest against being removed from the park. This is what democracy looks like. OCCUPY SEATTLE is marching in protest now.

OCCUPY SEATTLE is chanting, “Show me what democracy looks like, this it what democracy looks like.” All while blowing a whistle and beating on a drum while marching. They are now chanting “They got bailed out, we got sold out.” And now they are chanting, “We are the 99%, you are the 99%.” Now they are chatting, “We got sold out, they got bailed out.”

A comment was made since they are not allowed to sleep in the park they are going to march and protest not being able to sleep in the park. They are now heading uptown to continue the OCCUPY SEATTLE march.

“We are the 99% and so are you.”

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