Sunday, October 23, 2011

130 occupiers arrested peacefully in Chicago

Chicago— At Grand Park there are around 130 occupiers sitting around in a circle outside of the medical tent as police officers are standing around waiting. It was an hour since the first order to leave came and went.

There are several Police prison buses parked. You cannot be in a public park past 11:00 pm curfew. There are police officers that are on horse back at a distance from the medical tent.

“They can keep on arresting and arresting and arresting.... We Will WIN this thing!!!
They take 10; we come back with 100”, as a chatter stated from the live chat room.

Another chatter from the chat room stated, “Demand 1st Amendment Rights”. There are about 100-150 cops ready to invade... I hope they don't hurt you Chicago stay peaceful.

1. We are the people. 2. We are united. 3. The occupation is not leaving. The CPD is making arrests by breaking the human chain one by one. The first order to leave came at a little after 11:00 pm. The arrests starting just a little past 1:00 am.

There are people lined up and down the street. Where chants can be heard, “shame, shame". As constant drumming and the blowing of horns can be heard from the side walk. There are hundreds out chanting as the protesters are being taken into custody one by one. There are young and older people being arrested in Chicago at Grant Park.

The protesters attitude of celebration, and all the friendly smiling faces as they are being arrested. The police will join us one day and this is how the homeless are treated when they are in the parks after curfew.

There are 2373 people watching the arrests on live stream on as the world is watching. As history of peaceful occupiers have been arrested for OCCUPY CHICAGO.

The occupiers were loaded onto two waiting police buses and two patty wagons. The arrests took just over an hour and half to arrest 130 occupiers. The final outcome the medical tent was taken down and everything else was drug away.

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