Saturday, October 15, 2011

OCCUPY WALL STREET and Global Revolution Day

OCCUPY TULELAKE— As the chants begin. “Whose Street. Our Street” with sounds of drums and music as they march. Horns can be heard playing as they march down the street. United all things are possible. “Chase got bailed out, we got sold out”. “People united will never be defeated.” These are more of the chants on this march on Wall Street on Saturday October 15,2011. “We are the 99%” and so are you”.

The world is not going to take it anymore. Unemployment, losing homes, where the poor are getting poorer as the 1% gets tax cuts and are not paying their fair share in taxes. It is time they begin to feel the pain the 99% has been feeling. “Show me what democracy looks like, this is what democracy looks like.” “All day, all week occupy Wall Street.” Even more chants on this march today in New York City, Global Revolution Day. The whole world is watching.

While watching the live feed from New York on where a limo could be seen in the distance driving down the street. How ironic is that? The 1% needs to start paying their fair share of taxes so the 99% can live a better life, instead of pay check to pay check all the while prices are going up for food and gas. And wages are going down. What’s up with that? It is time for the 1% pays their fair share. “The people are rising no more compromising.” “How do we fix the deficit, end the war tax the rich.”

On this march today there are Union signs as the unions have joined the march today on Global Revolution Day. I saw UAW signs in the crowds of people that are marching to get the point across we are not going to take it anymore.

There are over 5,000 people marching today in New York City and that is a rough estimate of the size of the protesters demonstrating what democracy looks like. With the march being on West Broadway and Frankly Street in New York City as the chanting continues. “Tax the rich, feed the poor.” “Whose street, our street.” The chanting continues on this march through New York City today to bring home the point the 99% is not going away, if anything the 99% is growing larger by the day. “Tell me what democracy looks like, this is what democracy looks like.” And that’s the point this is what democracy looks like. They are not just protesters they are occupying their cities, not just Wall Street but many cities across the USA today. They are marching in their cities today to show solidarity with one another.

A comment was made, break up the big banks, and end American imperialism. The march is now headed to Times Square as they continue on this march.

I am doing my part from small town USA by writing about what I see and hear. Small town USA is there in each of the larger cities with our hearts and souls. All it takes is a blog and the time spent monitoring each of the cities that can be found at

Even small town USA can do their part as I have demonstrated in this article today.

We are the 99% and so are you.

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