Monday, October 10, 2011

Bob's post from CNN


"I am a EU citizen and I live in Germany. Very happily I might add. Some 30-40 years ago, people here in Europe envied the US. The land of the American dream. Made in the USA stood for quality products.

Funny, following the reporting on the Occupy Wall Street protests I have been trying to find a product actually made in the USA. A car? GM sells Chevy´s here. Made in Korea. Ford? From every continent but not the from USA. Chrysler? now owned by the Italians, come from Mexico. OK, let´s try electronics. Apple or Dell, or any other brand, proudly made in China. Home appliances, toys, same story.

OK, I could still buy a Boeing. Too bad, I don´t hold a CPL and my company doesn´t own private jets. We don´t need them. Yes I drive a Mercedes and have a spare BMW in the garage. There are not company cars, I own them and use them for my business trips. We manufacture our products in … Germany. Electronic HVAC controls. And I am the CEO. My work force knows that we will never source out our production to places like China. Simply because we can make a better product with our work force here that is proud of making the best controls in the business. We have a highly motivated and highly productive work force.

As a corporate chief you make a lot of decisions. But if you make them based on shareholders interests you are bound to make the wrong decisions. Corporations live by their customers. Not their banks and shareholders. Let alone governments.

What´s the point in lobbying governments? If I can´t satisfy my customers why on earth should I think any government can?

CEO´s spending millions of dollars lobbying the government instead of spending their company resources on satisfying customers should be fired, yesterday rather than today. Not just in the US, in Europe as well."

October 10, 2011 at 7:49 pm from CNN

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