Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Spiritual beliefs

Comments from Bob


Teri and I have been reading lots of spiritual beliefs and relating to the "Occupy" "movement" wherein the apparent "poor" are protesting the selfishness of the rich. That's basically it.

A spiritual person who believes in a higher power and ascribes to a positive and moral life knows that SHARING is essential for the world to be balanced. Those individuals who have power and wealth have a spiritual duty to share with those that have not.

We wonder how it is that some of the rich keep getting richer at the expense of others but we should understand that even though it appears they have a rich and wonderful life, they most likely suffer emotional and physical problems that they have learned to mask over the years.

Dr. Joseph Murphy (The Power of Your Subconscious Mind) believes we have a "right to be rich". "Money is not evil anymore so than copper, lead, tin, or iron which you may find in the ground. All evil is due to ignorance and misuse of the minds powers."

Being a Christian I have often justified my being poor as also being humble and that "humbleness is next to Godliness". I now no longer see humbleness as also being poor. Humbleness is believing in a higher power and when we focus on the higher power within, everything is good and righteous.

Dr. Murphy's says, "Poverty is a mental disease. There is no virtue in poverty; it is a disease like any other mental disease...The urge of the life principle in you is toward growth, expansion, and the life more abundant. You are not here to live in a hovel, dress in rags, and go hungry. You should be happy, prosperous, and successful."

Just some thoughts,

Bob Scott

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