Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 26 of OWS— a day of chants

Tulelake, Ca— A day in New York City watching the live cam web feed of the chants being spoken. Chants such as “How do we fix the deficit today. End the War Tax the Rich.” “We got sold out, they got bailed out” “WE R the 99%” “In your face @ your house”

OCCUPY WALL STREET had a march that lead to the homes of the billionaires and millionaires on Park Ave and throughout the wealthy neighborhood of New York City. Where OWS stopped at each house on their list of homes. Placing a Large Check in the amount of 5 BILLION DOLLARS and then chanting as they stopped in front of each of the Billionaire and Millionaires homes. The 5 BILLION DOLLARS represent the amount of the cuts the City of New York will lose when the tax cut expires on December 31, 2011.

Seeing history live in front of you on the live cam site as the protesters are marching and chanting while walking down New York’s finest streets. Where there are doormen at some of the doors leading to their residences and at others where the check was placed on their front porch and pictures taken of the Large 5 BILLION DOLLAR Check on their front door.

The tax cuts is the same 5 BILLION DOLLARS in Cuts New York City will have to go without. Which means the loss of teachers, firefighters, police officers being laid off and the list goes on.


The above web cam link is where you can view OCCUPY WALL STREET and the other OCCUPY CITIES when they are live. Instead of watching the corporate media where you get sound bites of OSW you can actually see if for yourself and experience the history. It is not a perfect system so don’t expect more than they can offer. You can even read the live chat as it goes by.

OCCUPY WALL STREET is doing a great job with what they have to work with. The live feed sometimes goes on and off but its worth the time to watch history happening before your very eyes. And what better way to do it if you cannot be there yourself. And I am with them in spirit and support for this peaceful movement to OCCUPY WALL STREET the same way I hope you are too.

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