Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 25 of OWS OCCUPY Boston attack

Tulelake, CA— In Boston there was an attack by the Boston Police department making arrests. There are 200 police officers beating Veterans for Peace and arresting them. All taking place in front of the world and those us who are watching it live on http://www.livestream.com/globalrevolution web cam site. At 11:35 pm there are over 8000 plus watching Boston live.

There have been over a 100-200 arrested in Boston with high bails being set. The protesters were chanting, “who do you protect, who do you serve”. The police warned them to vacate the park and when the protesters ignored the warnings. The Boston PD started rounding up the protesters where there were some 200 protesters in the park. They arrested Veterans for Peace, a peaceful group of Veterans. And they were shouting, “shame, shame, shame”. The Boston Police then torn up their tents and threw their tents, chairs into waiting garbage trucks. They separated a group of women into an undisclosed area.

There also rumors that OCCUPY Seattle is having their tents torn down. Apparently the mayor has ordered the police to stand down. OCCUPY St Louis checked in for a while on the live feed where they have be given 24-hours to vacate the park. The same with Seattle they have been given a 24-hour notice to vacate.

The live feeds have been going from Boston when it all began to the other live feeds on http://www.livestream.com/globalrevolution the web site link. The live feeds are reading what is being posted in the live Mirc chat room that has moderators who do their best to keep out the trolls or any form of political party chat.

It is 1:30 AM now on Tuesday Oct 11th. I am still observing the OWS feeds on http://www.livestream.com/globalrevolution web cam site. As the story unfolds in the different cities that are being called OCCUPY in Front of the cities name. One of the names as example is OCCUPY BOSTON for the OWS movement across the USA. There has been support world wide on the link mentioned above.

The live feed has gone back to New York City at the Liberty Square. They are having a march at 1:45 AM is solidarity of OCCUPY BOSTON from New York City OWS. 40 or so people organized a march on short notice in the early morning hours in New York City. They are marching by WALL STREET to make a point that they are not leaving. They are marching then back to camp. The major concern for OWS is the cold weather that soon will be getting colder.

They are marching from Liberty Plaza to Wall Street and then back to camp. They have been told by NYPD they had to stay behind the barricades and keep walking. The estimate of the marchers is at 75 protesters for this march in the wee hours of the early morning. Which is now 5:05 AM ET in New York City. And New York City wanted to let Boston know they were in solidity with them. And so another day starts with the OWS in New York City.

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