Saturday, October 15, 2011

So many stories to share

OCCUPY TULELAKE, CA— Across the world and from coast to coast in the USA. There are so many people with their story to share of the hardships they are enduring. Before my eyes there are people on live streams and live chats around the world standing up for you and I. Those of us who cannot be there among them protesting, marching, chanting for a better tomorrow.

This is like a revolution where people are hurting so bad that their only recourse is to stand up and say, “I can’t take it anymore and I am not going to take it anymore.” A movement has begun. Where it will lead one can only guess where it will end up.

People are hurting they are losing their incomes, their homes, their cars and their dreams of a better life, not only for themselves but also for their children’s children. There are millions of people that wish they could be there too. Occupying from one city to another city park to park across the USA there are people standing up for you and I. Most people do not realize how close they are to being homeless themselves. People are living pay check to pay check and are only a pay check away from being homeless themselves.

There are people who have jobs that are putting their lively hood on the line by volunteering to do whatever is needed at the different cities that are being occupied. This movement is not a bunch of homeless people hanging out in a park or one big party. It is about all of us and that is what they are doing for those of us who are at home or live in a small town and cannot be there.

We all have a story to tell similar to those that are representing all of us who are unable to be there. We can do our part by talking to our friends and neighbors and spread the word about people just like you and I who have their stories to tell too. Times are hard and it doesn’t look like there is any light at the end of the tunnel. These brave people are taking our place but I know if it were possible we would be there too.

We are the 99% and so are you.

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