Wednesday, October 26, 2011

WE are the 53%

EDITORIAL: There is now a group who call themselves “We are the 53%”. Erick Erickson, editor-in-chief of the conservative website blog called "We are the 53%." It mimics Occupy Wall Street "We are the 99 percent" site.

“The 53% site gives a voice to those who reject the contention that most Americans are victims of the system. "I took jobs I didn't want. Why don't you?" says one poster to the protesters. "Suck it up and become part of the 53%."’

So now there is a group with conservative leanings that want people to join their cause by claiming to be the 53%. ‘"What the 99% is missing is the element of personal responsibility," said Trevino, who is also vice president at the conservative Texas Public Policy Foundation.”

“Today, RedState is the most widely read right of center blog on Capitol Hill, is the most often cited right of center blog in the media, and is widely considered one of the most influential voices of the grassroots on the right.”

In other words they are a conservative group with conservative goals. They in no way represent what Occupy Wall Street does or what Occupy Wall Street is all about. They miss the mark. Yet they want to claim they are the 53%. They are the 53% of conservatism. Where Occupy Wall Street is made up of people from all walks of life.

“Occupy Wall Street is leaderless resistance movement with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions. The one thing we all have in common is that We Are The 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%. We are using the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic to achieve our ends and encourage the use of nonviolence to maximize the safety of all participants.”

Nowhere does the above say anything about belonging to a political party. It does say a “leaderless resistance movement with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions.”

Now for a group to come along and claim they are 53% is not only a falsehood but an out right a lie and a total misrepresentation of what Occupy Wall Street is all about and stands for.

“We are 53%” is nothing more than a falsehood of the worst kind. The only people that belong to their group are those that are of the same mindset and persuasion. They are just another leaf of the Tea Party grassroots on the right. They are nothing more and nothing less than being conservatives. They in no way represent 53% of the people but just maybe 53% of conservatives and that’s about all.

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